Das Auto

I think it’s safe to say facebook is taking over. Social Media is everywhere. The biggest question is: is that a good thing or a bad thing? Am I pleased or annoyed? In some ways, it doesn’t matter what I think. I could delete my facebook, twitter, and blog tomorrow and the only one that would honestly be hurt by that would be….ME. (harsh, but true). Without social media, young people lose a lot of connections: to their friends, their families, old friends, old host families, etc. Social media is a tool we all use everyday to keep in touch with one another.

Now, Volkswagen decided to do somthing that I think is pretty unique. In their new ad campaign, they decided to incorporate two things: the oldness of their classic designs and the newness of social media. Resulting in: the Fanwagen. It’s literally the old-school VW van, but equiped with social media features. Interesting.

This promotional van could appeal to two entirely different sets of people: the older generation who view the old VW van as a nostolgic representation of their past, and the younger generation, who is addicted to social media. Will this combination work to bring old and new together? Or will both sets of consumers simply be confused?

To be honest, I was a little confused when I saw it. Is it for real? But indeed, it is. Only time will tell what kind of responses VW gets for this promotion. In the meantime, listen to a catchy tune and ponder why in the world you would want printed copies of your newsfeed:



AD AGE: http://creativity-online.com/work/volkswagen-fanwagen/25051

Picture Credit: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ap-e3Rv_RUo/ShErOkE4MzI/AAAAAAAACTg/ugt2BjaoTDA/s400/vw-camper.jpg

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